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Monday 21 September 2015

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Stay Informed, Stay Away from Facebook Dislike Button Scams

facebook_dislike_button-Short Bytes: It’s reported that scammers are taking advantage of Facebook Dislike button anticipation and they’re using the Facebook users. These scams trick the users into believing that clicking on some links would provide them an early access to the dislike button.
As a result of great anticipation surrounding the Facebook Dislike button (read empathy button), scammers are quick to find ways to fool the users. While Facebook users are anxiously waiting for the new feature, new scams are spreading, claiming to bring the Facebook dislike button earlier.
For fossBytes readers who aren’t aware, Facebook CEO announced that his company is working on some new feature like a “Dislike” button. Later, it was revealed that it would an Empathy Button that would be consisting of some popular smileys.

Hackread has reported that scammers are taking the advantage of this anticipation and they’re fooling Facebook users. These scams trick the users into believing that clicking on some links would provide them an early access to the dislike button.
Since this dislike button is soon going to be out for testing, scammers are seeing this as an exploitable opportunity to bring in the users to malicious websites. Each time scammers are able to bring users to these annoying websites, scammers get paid.
Besides these, the Facebook dislike button scams are able to install malware, spyware, or adware on PCs.
At the end of some surveys, you are asked to enter your usernames and passwords. As a result, your profile is spammed with via private messages, or some shady links on your timeline.
Stay informed. Stay safe.
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Meet Mycroft – World’s 1st Open Source Artificial Intelligence Based on Linux, Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Using the Internet of Things we will control our future lives by inculcating electronics and internet in each and every small thing around us. Now take the Internet of Things + cloud in one hand and pick up the power of artificial intelligence + open source in the other, and mix them. This is how Mycroft was born – an artificially intelligent and open source internet of things platform.

Mycroft makes use of natural language processing for listening to your commands and run world’s first open source and open hardware home A.I. platform. Talking about the plus points, this state of art A.I. based on the world’s most popular open development platforms- Arduino andRaspberry Pi.
You can use Mycroft to control your music streaming apps, YouTube playback and your smart devices. The Internet of Things devices could be easily integrated with Mycroft. Do you want to run your 3D printer?Mycroft can do it.
On its Kickstarter page, Mycroft writes:
Whatever it is – If it is connected to the internet – Mycroft can control it.
Mycroft is an open source, open hardware platform that allows the makers and developers to fiddle with their innovative ideas and use Mycroft to turn those into reality. Since Mycroft is powered by Raspberry Pi 2 and makes use of an Arduino powered display, there are tons of tutorials and other useful material online to learn from.
Let’s know some more facts about Mycroft and how it’s going to change the things in the AI market: Mycroft is affordable and priced just at $129 per unit, thanks to open hardware. Mycroft uses lots of open APIs to process language input and then determines the output. So, a major chunk of Mycroft’s processing is done in the cloud using open APIs, the company doesn’t need to build their deep learning neural network. This reduces the cost of the project even further.
More open source? Mycroft has also announced its partnership with Ubuntu and it’ll be using Snappy Core Ubuntu as its OS. With this partnership with canonical, Mycroft aims to be a part of the current IoT and cloud revolution. Know more about Mycroft here on its Kickstarter page.
Share your views about Mycroft in the comments below.
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What is Quantum Computing?


Quantum computing is hailed as the future. Many companies are putting plausible efforts to make quantum computers a reality. But, what is quantum computing and what are quantum computers? Read the article to know.

For past few months, you must be noticing your news feed is flooded with major breakthroughs and headways in the tech arena. The technology feed could range anything from the recent surge in international cyber intrusions or simple hacking tutorials to space expeditions,defying Moore’s law or the developments in Artificial intelligence. But, what seems to excite most of the tech enthusiasts is the intricate quantum computing and its prospects in future.
The Chinese have announced to set up the world’s first ever and largest hack proof quantum computing communications network from Beijing to Shanghai. Let’s see what these computers actually are and why quantum computing is important for our future!

What is a Quantum Computer?

Quantum computers are nothing like the regular computers or even supercomputers. While the top supercomputers use extensive parallelism with numerous processing units to get its super speed, the Quantum computers work with the physics of quantum mechanics at its core.
A quantum computer is built atom by atom. Now, quantum mechanics in itself is one of the most dreaded topics in physics, so it is no surprise that the quantum computer bears the same traits as well.

How Does Quantum Computing Work?

The quantum computers use atoms (quanta) as its physical system. Unlike in regular computing where the information is carried in either 0 or 1 bit, the quantum mechanics allows an atom to be in both 0 and 1 state simultaneously. This bit of data is called a qubit. ( Don’t hold your head just yet!)
So, as per the theory, if there are equal number of qubits and the regular bits, then the qubits will hold twice the information, i.e. if there are n qubits in the supercomputer, then it will have 2^n different states. So experimentally, it can hold more information as compared to regular digital bits thereby increasing the speed of the system exponentially.
In theory, the quantum phenomenon seems mind blowing but actually building one is equally painstaking. The qubits are dynamic and are only the probabilistic superposition of all of their states. So, the accurate measurement is difficult and requires complex algorithms such as Shor’s algorithm.

What are the Challenges To Quantum Computing?

One of the biggest challenges is to remove quantum decoherence. Decoherence in a layman’s language could be understood as the loss of information to the environment. The decoherence of the qubits occurs when the system interacts with the surrounding in a thermodynamically irreversible manner.
So, the system needs to be carefully isolated. Freezing the qubits is one of the ways to prevent decoherence.

Past And Present Of Quantum Computing:

The concept of Quantum computing was laid down in the 1980s, but major progress started only two decades later. In 2001, researchers demonstrated Shor’s algorithm to factor 15 using a 7-qubit NMR computer. After that, developments in the field of quantum computing operating system and expansion in the qubit numbers were focussed.
As of today, many private players have entered into the competition to build a quantum computer, that would actually silence the critics. D-Wave has recently claimed to break the 1000 qubits barrier record. Other tech giants such as Google and IBM are advancing to develop their own quantum computers as well.

If It’s So Complex, Why Is Everyone After Quantum Computing?

A fully functional quantum computer would require around a million atoms. And right now, we are at a mere thousand. But, what would happen if we reach that limit or even its half?
The complex and massive calculations for example in genome sequencing or tracking weather patterns require huge computers or supercomputers for that matter. Now with the current technology, if the amount of data that a supercomputer can handle is increased by just one digit, the system would fail and you would require an even bigger supercomputer.
Second, the modern day encryption systems are entirely based on the limitations of the regular computers. The normal computers can’t figure out the huge probabilistic analysis required to decrypt any sophisticated code. Even a supercomputer would take years decrypting the RSA cryptography, whereas with the help of Quantum computing it would be a matter of days, if not hours.
Quantum computers will lead to research that are either considered hypothetical or at a standstill. From simulating and computing the molecular scale structures to stretching far into the mysteries of Universe, we cannot even dream of the possibilities.
Quantum computing won’t be of changing your lives in day to day operations, but a quantum communication network would definitely provide a better and secure network.
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Welcome Google Glass 2.0: It’s Now Called Project Aura

The name of google glasses has been changed to AURA and they are hiring new engineers to develop it.

Google’s glasses that was launched earlier wasn't a smooth one. The company has been struggling to revive the Glass from a long time and it seems that it has got the things back on track.

The Google Glass team is now called Project Aura. The company is hiring engineers, project managers, software developers from Lab126, which is Amazon’s secretive hardware-focused research wing in Bay Area, according to Business Insider. In the past, Amazon has laid off tons of engineers after the failure of Fire smartphone. It seems that someone’s demise is some else’s prize.

It should be noted that Project Aura will remain under the hood of Google instead of being a new standalone company under Alphabet. Project Aura is run by Ivy Ross, who oversaw the Google Glass project. Ivy will be reporting to Google’s connected-home business Nest. It’s doubtful about what will happen when Nest becomes a separate company under Alphabet in near future.
Project Aura has hired at least 4 Lab126 employees to work on the new Google Glass and the company has a dedicated recruiter to bring in more talent.
Apart from developing the next Google Glass, Project Aura is also working on making other wearables. A new software development manager Dmitry Svetlov, who joined Google recently, describes the project as “Glass & Beyond” on his LinkedIn page.
It should be noted that the original Google Glass costed $1,500 to the consumers earlier this year. The wearable was ultimately scrapped as it was too expensive, impractical and came with tons of privacy concerns. The device had the capability to record audio and video of a person without his/her permission.
Let’s hope that Google gets the things right this time and we get to see some more practicality in Google Glass 2.0.